STAAD.Pro Help

I. Command Line Syntax

The following format is used when running STAAD.Pro from the command line interface.


<path>\SProStaad\SProStaad.exe STAAD <input_file> [Options]


<path> the installation path for STAAD.Pro, which is C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\ STAAD\ by default.
Tip: You can add " C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\ STAAD\SProStaad\ " to your Windows PATH environment variale to simply use the command SProStaad.
<input_file> the name of the STAAD input file you want to use as input.
Note: If the input file name includes spaces, you must use quote characters (") around the file name.
Expressions in square brackets (between '[' and ']') are optional, and can take one of the following values if used:
Run silently and auto close at the end of run
Run silently and hidden


The following is a simple example which can be run from a directory containing Example.std.

C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\STAAD\SProStaad\SProStaad.exe STAAD Example.std /s

When the analysis and design engine is complete, it will close as a result of using the 'silent' option. Otherwise, this window must be manually closed.

Batch File Example

The following can be saved as a batch file (.bat) in any text editor. This batch file will analyze and design all the US examples which ship with the product by making use of a FOR command that loops through all STAAD input files beginning with the string "Examp".

::Create a new variable with the location of the SProStaad.exe file
SET SProInst="C:\Program Files\Bentley\Engineering\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\STAAD\SProStaad"
::Add this to the system path variable for this session
SET PATH="%PATH%";%SProInst%
::Create a variable to the default location of the STAAD US Example files
SET USExamps="%PUBLIC%\Documents\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\Sample Models\US"
FOR %%f IN (%USExamps%\Examp*.std) DO (
    ECHO %%~nf
    SProStaad.exe STAAD "%%~nf.std" /h


No additional windows will open while the analysis and design engine runs as a result of using the "hidden" option.

Note: The use of the variables SProInst and USExamps are not necessary. They are only used to highlight that if your installation folders differ from the default, this should be changed accordingly.