STAAD.Pro Help

GS. Application Configuration dialog

Used to set program-wide parameters for STAAD.Pro.

Opens when Configure is selected on the application Start page.

General tab

Language Select the user interface language from the drop-down list. You must restart the program to see that language used in user interface.
Base Unit

There are two base unit systems in the program which control the units (length, force, temperature, etc.) in which, values – specifically results and other information presented in the tables and reports – are displayed. The base unit system also dictates what type of default values the program will use when attributes such as Modulus of Elasticity, Density, etc., are assigned based on material types – Steel, Concrete, Aluminum – selected from the program’s library . These two unit systems are English (Foot, Pound, etc.) and Metric (KN, Meter, etc.)

Global Axis Select which axis represents the gravity direction in your model by default. Subsequently all modeling, analysis, and post-processing items would be based on this coordinate system.

Select either the Y up or Z up option.

Note: Some features in STAAD.Pro require that Y up be used for the global axis orientation.
Diagram Background

Select either a White or Black background for the view window. This selection will also set some default colors in which beams, plates and solids are drawn. For example, a white background is accompanied by black lines for drawing beams.

Theme Select the basic color theme used in the application.

Options tab

Display License Options Check this option during the application launch to be prompted with License Information dialog (see GS.STAAD.Proの開始) listing enabled licensing options.
Display STAAD News Feed Check this option to open the news feed reader when the program starts.
Display CONNECT Advisor Check this option to open the CONNECT Advisor window when the program starts.
Display CONNECT Project Chooser when opening STAAD model

Check this option to display the CONNECT Project Chooser dialog when opening a STAAD model.

Warn if analysis performed across network Check this option to receive a warning if the analysis file is located on a network location. In some network instances, this can cause a drastric increase in analysis time.
Use temporary location Check this option to use a temporary location on your local computer for analysis. This can improve analysis speed for network files. The Folder used can be typed in or selected using by clicking Browse.
Additional Options
Save Auxiliary Data on close

During the course of performing analysis, design, and post-processing operations, multiple files associated with a STAAD project are generated. Set this option to direct the program to save all files in the STAAD project when the project is closed.

Delete Results Data If Out of Sync

Set this option to delete results files when a project is opened if the input file has been modified more recently than those input files. This option is helpful in ensuring that results invalidated by recent changes to the input file will not be used in error.

Remove Bentley (B) logo from Report

Set this option to remove the Bentley logo from reports generated in STAAD.Pro.

Tip: You can always add a custom logo and branding to your reports.
Save AutoRecovery information every X minutes Check this option and specify the AutoRecovery time interval in order to have the program automatically save a backup of your program status. In the event of a program crash, the program will detect the autorecovery file the next time you open the STAAD project and prompt you to open the recovered state.

File Format tab

Input format
Single Line Format Commands Select whether Joint coordinates as well as Member, Plate, and Solid incidences will be written one per input line or multiple per input line by setting the associated options here.
Write expanded list Set this option to instruct the program to write out joint, member or element numbers individually, for example: 1 2 3 4 5 instead of 1 TO 5 and consequently, creates voluminous input.
Joint Coordinate Significant Figures Specify the number of significant digits used for nodal coordinates. This is used for models which require a high degree of precision.
Output format
Add key file information

Set this option to Instruct the program to list all the key files that were used with the analysis including the date of the principal files.

Note: Even if the general case is that the Key Information is displayed, it can be tuned off in a particular analysis if the data file contains the command SET NOFILE.
Error format
Create Error File You may choose not to have the error file created at all, though this isn’t advisable. Un-check the box provided for that purpose if you choose to do so.
Log maximum errors per single input A single line of input may contain more than one error. We can set how many such errors we want shown for each input line.
Log maximum errors You can also set the maximum number of errors you want reported for the entire file. That number is 100 by default.

Design Codes tab

STAAD.Pro supports several major international design codes. Select the default design code to use when selecting the material-based design in the program.

Note: You may not use more than one design code in one single run, even if the Input Command File has more than one CODE command. Also note the design code specified by the Design Code tab must match that specified in the Input Command File.

Section Database tab

Select this tab to open the Section Database dialog, which is used to select the default catalog section database file to use for each country. You can also specify user-defined tables for use in the program.

Workflows tab

Select this top to choose which workflows are displayed in the Workflows panel of the application.