STAAD.Pro Help

M. To assign exposure for joints

To assign wind load definition exposure to joints, use the following procedure.

If your wind load definition has multiple exposure factors, you can specify the exact nodes for each factor this way.

This method assumes that you select the nodes first and then assign the exposure value to them. However, you can select the exposure method and then assign that to nodes using a different assignment method if more convenient.

注記: You can alternatively use a coordinate value range to assign exposure. These are applied in the load case.
  1. Select the nodes which will all use a specific exposure ratio.
  2. In the Load & Definition dialog, select that Exposure entry within a wind load definition.
  3. Select the Assign to Selected Nodes method for assignment.
  4. Click Assign. A message prompts you to confirm this assignment.
  5. Click Yes.
The exposure ratio is assigned to these joints. When an exposure is selected, the assigned nodes are highlighted red in the view window.
You must now apply the wind load to the structure within a load case.