STAAD.Pro Help

M. To generate output for time history spectrum

To generate some additional output data for spectrum input for a time history definition, use the following procedure.

Create a structure with a time history definition using the Spectrum option.
These optional commands cannot be entered via the graphical user interface. They are required to be added using the STAAD.Proエディタ.
  1. On the Utilities ribbon tab, select the Command File Editor tool in the Utilities group.

    The STAAD.Proエディタ window opens with the current STAAD入力ファイル.
  2. (オプション) To output time history data: after theDEFINE TIME HISTORY command, in theSPECTRUM options, add the command THPRINT f18 . Where f18 directs the program to output either the beginning and last 54 data points (f18 = 1) or the entire curve (f18 = 2) or a select number of beginning and last data points (f18 ≥ 10). The spectrum input parameters will be included in the STAAD Output (.anl) file along with the Time History Output (limited to the f18 value specified).
  3. (オプション) To generate spectrum output for a time history: after theDEFINE TIME HISTORY command, in theSPECTRUM options, add the command SPRINT f19 . Where f19 represents an integer value after the SPRINT command to instruct the program to only output the beginning and last number of values equal to this integer. A summary of the Spectrum input and the curve points will be included in the STAAD Output (.anl) file.
  4. Save the command input file and then exit the STAAD.Proエディタ.