STAAD.Pro Help

M. To add a seismic load definition

To add seismic load parameters per a building code, use the following procedure.

Static equivalent seismic loads are applied based on a set of parameters used to define the load. The parameters vary for each building code.
  1. On the Load & Definition dialog, select Definitions > Seismic Definitions and the click Add. The Add New: Seismic Definitions dialog opens.
  2. On the Seismic Parameters tab, select the building code from the Type drop-down list.
  3. (オプション) Check the Include Accidental Load option to consider accidental torsion.
    注記: Not applicable for the Canadian NRC 1995 code.
  4. (オプション) For the Indian IS 1893 - 2002/2005/2016 codes:
    1. (オプション) For the IS 1893 - 2002/2005 codes, check the Include IS 1893 Part 4 option for industrial or stack-like structures.
    2. Click Generate to open the IS 1893 Seismic Parameters dialog, which provides a simpler method for entering the parameters with additional context for IS 1893 Part 1.
    3. Click Generate.
  5. Type the seismic parameters in the table as required for the selected building code. A contextual note is displayed below the table for each parameter. Refer to TR.31.2 地震解析用静的力手順の定義 for detailed descriptions of the parameters for each code.
  6. Click Add. If you have not provided all the required parameters, a message opens to alert you of missing items. Once the minimum required parameters have been provided, the seismic definition is added to the Definitions > Seismic Definitions entry in the Load & Definition dialog. The Seismic Parameters tab is removed from the Add New: Seismic Parameters dialog.
  7. Click Close.
You will need to add weight items to the load definition. You can do this through a series of loads, a reference load case, or a combination of both.

For IS 1893 2016 seismic loads on buildings with either RC structural walls, you will also need to specify the first story wall area data required to calcualte the natural period of the structure.