STAAD.Pro Help

M. To add a wind load definition

To add a custom wind profile definition to your model, use the following procedure

Wind load definitions describe the vertical wind profile that acts in a specific direction.

  1. In the Load & Definition dialog, select the Definitions > Wind Load entry and then click Add. The Add new: Wind Definition dialog opens.
  2. Type optional Comments and then click Add. The definition type is added to the Definitions > Wind Load entry in the Load & Definition dialog.
  3. Either:

    Repeat step 2 to add more wind definitions


    click Close

  4. Select the new wind definition type and click the Add. The Add New: Wind Definitions dialog opens. The dialog now displays the Intensity and Exposures tabs.
  5. On the Intensity tab, select Custom in the Type drop-down list.
  6. Enter the wind profile data in a specific direction in pressure and height above ground pairs.
    ヒント: You can paste data copied from a spreadsheet.

    You can also parametrically calculate the wind profile based on ASCE 7. Refer to M. To add an ASCE 7 wind load definition for details.

    Alternatively, you can specify SNiP code wind parameters here. Refer to M. To add a SNiP wind load definition for details.

  7. On the Exposure tab, type the Factor value.

    A value of 1.0 means that the wind force may be applied on the full influence area associated with the joint(s) if they are also exposed to the wind load direction.

  8. Click Add.
  9. (オプション) Repeat Steps 4, 7, and 8 to add additional exposure factors to this wind definition. You may add up to 99 exposure factors to a wind definition.
You must now apply this wind profile in a load case and specify the direction of the wind.