STAAD.Pro Help

M. To assign material constants

To assign material constants to model objects (beams, plates, or solids), use the following procedure.

You may want to set the input units to a familiar set of units for a particular material value before assigning a material constant.
ヒント: It is recommended to use material definitions in place of material constants. Material definitions also allow you to assign design strength properties.
  1. Select the model object which have the same material constant.
  2. On the Specifications ribbon tab, select the Constants tool in the Materials group.

    A drop-down list of material constants opens.
  3. Select the constant you want to assign:
    • Young's Modulus
    • Poisson's Ratio
    • Shear Modulus
    • Density
    • Thermal Coefficient
    • Damping Ratio
    The corresponding dialog for the material constant opens.
  4. Either:

    select a predefined material constant value for a built-in material name: Aluminum, Concrete, or Steel


    select the Enter Value option and type a value for the material constant

  5. Select the To Selection option to limit the assignment to the selection set.
  6. Click OK.