STAAD.Pro Help

P. To check for elevation irregularities

To check for elevation irregularities as defined by EC8, use the following procedure.

This set of checks enables you to classify the building as a 'regular in elevation' structure. Checks will be performed and the results will be displayed graphically.
注記: An example demonstrating a soft story is included as C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition\Samples\ Eur\Eurocode8_TestGeo_elev.std.
  1. Select the EC8 Elevations page in the Earthquake page control bar. The Earthquake Elevation Criteria dialog opens along with the Elevation Regularity table.
  2. In the Earthquake Elevation Criteria dialog, select to check elevation along X- Axis or Z- Axis.
  3. Select the appropriate elevation criteria which applies to your structure.
    注記: Refer to clause and Figure 4.1 in Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2004) for additional information.
  4. Click Perform Checks. The calculated values and results of this check are displayed in the Elevation Regularity table.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to check the other direction or for other criteria if needed.