STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Application button and menu

The first item in the Ribbon is the Application button (a STAAD Foundation Advanced logo), which replaces the File menu found in many other Windows programs. Clicking on the Application button displays the application menu, which contains all of the file-level operations and program settings for the program. From here, you can create new models, save, or close current ones, along with similar file manipulations.

Table 1. File group tools
Tool What it does Keyboard Shortcut

Opens a standard Windows file open dialog box, which is used to specify a file location and name. <Ctrl+N>

Opens a standard Windows file open dialog box, which is used to select an existing STAAD Foundation Advanced project file.  

Closes the current model file and return you to the Start Page tab .  

This will save any changes made in the current model file since the previous save.  

Save As
Opens a Windows Save As dialog box, which is used to save the current model in a different location or with a different file name.  

Sync ISM > Create Repository

Transfers the current project data opened in STAAD Foundation Advanced and generates a new ISM Repository. This is a common way in which a ISM Repositories are initially created.

ISM Import and Export


Sync ISM > New from Repository

Creates a new STAAD Foundation Advanced model from an existing Repository. This is used to transfer model data into other tools used for your workflow.

ISM Import and Export


Sync ISM > Update Repository

Coordinates changes made to the model in STAAD Foundation Advanced and coordinate some or all of those changes with an existing Repository.

ISM Import and Export


Sync ISM > Update from Repository

Updates your STAAD Foundation Advanced model with some or all of the changes which have been made to the Repository.

ISM Import and Export


Print > Print
Opens the Print dialog box , which is used to print the active document using current print settings.  

Print > Print Setup

Print > Change the Printer and Printer Options
Opens the Print Setup dialog box , which is used to select a printer and change settings for the printer.