SACS Readme

Subscription Entitlement Service

SACS 14.0-SES uses Bentley's new licensing model. Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) is, providing enhanced security and optimized value for your Bentley Subscriptions. It is integrated with Bentley's Identity Management System (IMS) and the Bentley CONNECT technology platform to allow near real-time reporting of usage, improved alert messaging to users and increased administrative capabilities to license administrators in your organization. It will not only give you more options to monitor and manage usage but also provide new, advanced licensing features that will enhance digital workflows.


SES is not supported by SELECT activation key(s). SES features new behavior to enhance your organization's user administration and security with mandatory user sign-in via CONNECTION Client to access the SACS suite of programs. If you are already signed in to the CONNECTION Client, you have met this prerequisite. If you have not, please refer to the Administrator's Resource Center and/or contact your administrator for assistance in the registration and sign-in process.

With SES, administrators will be able to control which users have access to Bentley software. License entitlements are granted and maintained through CONNECT Licensing's Entitlement Management Service. By signing into the CONNECTION Client users can also find their organization's projects, download software updates, receive relevant notifications, and track their usage.
Note: By default, access is granted to all licenses and there are no restrictions on usage. It is imperative that any restrictions modifications are applied before any usage is logged.
You can find more information on configuring SES here.


SES features the new license alerts notifications that can be set by an organization's license administrators to let the users know when they reach a set usage threshold. These notifications will alert the users that if they continue to use the SACS product described in the alert notice, a term license may be issued. Below is an example of a threshold alert:

The user in such a situation has the choice to quit SACS Offshore Structure before a license is used or acknowledge that a term license may be generated and proceed with starting a SACS Offshore Structure usage, based on what settings the administrator chooses.