RM Bridge Modeler Help

Rigid connection between 2 segment points

Rigid connection between 2 segments

Two segments as parts of a structural system are connected only, if they have got any rigid (or flexible) topological connection between 2 nodes. A rigid connection (for instance between a pier and a main girder) have to be defined by specifying two parts at segment points.

Part 1 will be connected to part 2 in a way, that the beam node of part 1 get an eccentric connection to the beam node of part 2. The beam node of part 1 gets the number of node of part 2 and the beam 1 gets at the begin or the end the appropriate eccentric lengths.

The node numbers of part 1 appears as a negative number in the part list.

Note: A beam can have at the begin or the end only one rigid connection, respectively.

All parts

All parts of point 1 will be rigidly connected to part 2. There will be generated a corresponding number of single rigid connections. This Option is useful, if all piles of a pile foundation have to be supported by a 0-spring.


The cross section of a pier consists of many parts (piles). A connection point is defined in the center to specify the position of the 0-spring. Either there is a pile in the center or a part of type 'Node'. Rigid connections of all parts (piles) to the central node will be generated. Afterward, a 0-spring has to be defined at the central node.