RM Bridge Modeler Help

Cross section: Reference set

The reference points are summarized in groups of them. These groups may contain any number of points.

The groups are used for the input of

  • reinforcements
  • stress points
  • positions of bearings, springs, connected segments (e.g. piers)
  • temperature distribution within the cross section

Stress points and connection points need only the input of single points, but reinforcement points may be combined to polygons.

List of groups of additional points

This list is opened using the arrow symbol next to the edit box of the current group at the top of the cross section window. Groups differ in their type. A group can hold points of only one type.

Insert a group

Having activated the list, the Insert before tool or "Insert after" can used to create a new group. All groups are sorted by name. Hence both symbols have the same meaning.

Modify a group

A selected group can be modified using the Modify tool. In this way it is possible to change the name.

Delete a group

A selected group can be deleted using the Delete tool. A confirmation is required.

Activate a group

The group to be activated has to be marked in the list. Confirming by OK the selected group is shown in the edit box.

List of reference points

All reference points of the current cross section can be listed with the shortcut <CTRL+R>. It is possible to select the single points either in the List or direct on the cross section window.