RM Analyzer Help

Additional Constraints > Loads

Additional constraints are sets of constraint conditions (result values of a given reference   state, which must have a certain value or must not exceed an upper or lower limit)   and freedom conditions (loadcases, which are factorized in an appropriate manner.  to fulfill the constraint conditions)

The schedule action Restart must later be used to solve the system of equations and inequations, with the factors of the variable load cases as unknowns and the constraint conditions forming the righthand side.

The constraint conditions are specified in Additional constraints > Elements.  Here, in Additional constraints > Loads, the variable load cases are defined,  which will be appropriately factorized to fulfill the constraint conditions. Additionally, "fix" load cases and envelopes are specified. The sum of these forms - together with the variable load cases - the reference state  for checking of the constraint conditions.  

Upper table Table of Additional Constraints (sets of constraint conditions and related freedoms, which form the equation system being solved in a certain Restart action.
Number Number of the "Additional constraint" (referenced in Restart)
Excl(Var) Defines, whether the specified fix load cases contains the variable load cases (e.g. if a summation load case is specified as fix load case).
NoHist Option for disabling the improvement of the equation system by using the iteration history.
Description Descriptive text for the "Additional Constraint"
Lower table Table of the variable load cases (which are individually factorized), and the "fix" load cases and envelopes forming the reference state for the constraint conditions.
Kw Code, describing the type of the input
  • LCFIX: Definition of a fixed load case
  • LCVAR: Definition of a variable load case
  • SUPFIX: Definition of a fixed envelope
DOF Only for envelopes: Specification of the line of the matrix characterizing  the reference state (max. or min.; characteristic component).
LC/SUP Name of the load case or the superposition
Factor Factor for multiplying the values (for fixed load cases and envelopes). Code VAR for variable load cases.
CombEnd The factors of the variable load cases may also be related to the sum of several load cases.
  • No: The load case is not treated as separate load case with its own factor, but added to the subsequent load case. No proprietary factor is calculated.
  • Yes: A factor is calculated for the load case. It is also valid  for any previous load cases without proprietary factor.
DestLC Option: Load case for storing the load data with considering the calculated factor. This load case can be used for any further evaluations or design checks.