RM Analyzer Help

Action > UltRes

Performs the calculation of the cross-section class and design resistance of steel and composite sections with consideration of local buckling of slender cross-section parts (slender parts). Characteristic buckling lengths are considered for actual design resistance in the structure.

Note: Material parameters cannot be defined locally in this function. Relevant yield strengths and safety factors must be defined in the database.
Action Code of the selected Action. It is possible to switch to another action without leaving and re-entering the input function.
Action will be skipped (Option) The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.
Input-1 > (Excel File) Name of an Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet file where the calculated cross-section and element resistance are written. If the spreadsheet file contains a sheet CS with definitions of slender parts, these definitions are used instead of the slender parts defined via reference sets. If it contains a sheet Elements these definitions override any buckling length definitions in the database and the to-do definitions in Structure > Elements > Checks.
Output-1 > Result name Name of the result where the calculated design resistance values are stored. I.e. this result contains the design resistance for tensile force under +NxRd, the design resistance for compression force under -NxRd, ..., till the design resistance for negative moment under -MzRd. It can be viewed and specified as plot, list or Excel file in the tab "Miscellaneous" in RM-Sets.
Output-2 > List File Name of list file whereto results of the calculation are written.
Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)

Elements, for which a design resistance calculation shall be done, have to be selected in the function Structure > Element > Checks > Steel (Steel checks).