RM Analyzer Help

Action > Calc

Calculation of a static load case.

Following load cases are not calculated with CALC:

  • Creep load cases are calculated with action CREEP
  • Effective prestressing of pre-tensioned tendons is calculated with action PreTens
Action Code of the selected Action. It is possible to switch to another action without leaving and re-entering the input function.
Action will be skipped (Option) The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.
Input-1 > Load case name Name of the load case to be calculated.
Input-2 > not used
Output-1 > List File Name of the list file for presenting the load case results
Delta-T Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)
Description Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)

Load case results and listfile are stored in the subdirectory of the current schedule variant (e.g. '(DefaultSchedule)').