RM Analyzer Help

Self weight (load and/or mass)

Definition of self weight loading for the specified elements. The actual loading is calculated by multiplying the specific weight with the cross-section area of the element table.

Note: For detailed load explanation see also RM Bridge Load Types Library .

Self weight may be defined to act as

  1. loading and mass (G)
  2. loading only (G0) or
  3. mass only (GM)

The load types GPA, GPA0, GPAM, GPI, GPI0 and GPIM are used for defining the self-weight loading of active and inactive partial elements of composite elements

From, To, Step Series of elements whose self-weight shall be applied on the active structure.
Assembly Alternative to load assignment via element series: Name of the assembly to be loaded. The specified load is applied to every element of the specified assembly.
Rx, Ry, Rz Load direction vector. The entered vector is internally normalized to a length of 1, specifying a vector with other length does not influence the loading intensity.

Default: Rx=0, Ry=-1, Rz=0)

Gamma Specific weight of the elements.

Default:  When entering no value or zero, the program takes from the material table the respective value of the assigned material

Real Length The load is applied as uniform element load with taking into account the rigid constraint moments at the element ends.
Nodal Load Entered load intensities are defined as line loads and applied as  concentrated loads at the element begin and end without taking into consideration any rigid restraint moments
[OK+Series] To continue with further input of the same load type