RM Analyzer Help

Tendon point: Info (Interactive graphically input)

Tendon points can be input interactive graphically by using the graphic pad.

How to Input the New Point?

If the tendon-point list below has no input yet, the icon INSERT BEFORE/AFTER can be pressed. If there exist some points already, the point in the list should be chosen first, before of after which the new point will be defined. Afterwords the icon (INSERT BEFORE/AFTER) has to be pressed.

After choosing one of the icons, the upper input pad will be activated.

Each change resp. input of the element/eccentricity/neglection will be immediately shown in the graphic window beside.

Pressing the button Apply the input will be confirmed and the new point will be inserted to the tendon-point list below. The input pad above will be deactivated again. The new tendon geometry will be shown on the screen beside.

How to Modify the Tendon Point?

The point to be modified should be chosen from the list below. Afterwords the icon Modify has to be pressed.

The further process is the same as for input the NEW POINT.

How to Delete the Tendon Point?

The point to be deleted should be chosen from the list below. Afterwords the icon Delete has to be pressed.

Radio-Buttons Cross-section/Isometric-view

There is possible to toggle between cross-section presentation of the current element and isometric-view of the elements, for which the tendon has been assigned.

The cross-hair position corresponds with the input pad.

Buttons >> and << There is possible to move the cross-hair along the element series (ISOMETRIC-VIEW) or along the cross-section in Z-direction (CROSS-SECTION).

The step DX of the cross-hair can be changed!

Buttons ++ and -- There is possible to move the cross-hair along the cross-section in Y-direction.

The step DY of the cross-hair can be changed!

Txt Factor Changing the text factor, the text size in the graphical area can be corrected
Ref.Elem The Element number in the Structural Model to which the tendon geometry definition refers (Geometry is defined relative to this element.)
CS pnt Eccentricity of tendon can refers to certain additional point in the cross-section In this case the name of the point has to be chosen.
X/L The point along the Reference Element (distance defined as a proportion of the element length), from which the tendon geometry will be defined.
Ey The vertical offset from the point on the Reference Element (X/L) to the tendon geometry constraint point (eccentricity: local)
Ez The horizontal offset from the point on the Reference Element (X/L) to the tendon geometry constraint point (eccentricity: local)
CHECK BUTTON Relative to element If the button is selected, the eccentricity refers to the element axis
CHECK BUTTON Relative to node If the button is selected, the eccentricity refers to the node axis
CHECK BUTTON Relative to CS point If the button is selected, the eccentricity refers to certain additional point in the cross-section
Alpha 1 Angular constraint in the x/y plane relative to the Reference Element orientation.
Alpha 2 Angular constraint in the x/z plane relative to the Reference Element orientation.
RADIO-BUTTON FREE/VALUE Tendon neglection can be calculated by program itself (FREE) or input by user (VALUE)
CHECK BUTTON Relative to element If the button is selected, the neglection refers to the element axis
CHECK BUTTON Relative to node If the button is selected, the neglection refers to the node axis
CHECK BUTTON Relative to CS point If the button is selected, the neglection refers to certain additional point in the cross-section
Extern External Element check button - only for tendon points of the "Line" types for defining a straight external tendon section
Number If Extern is selected: Structural element number of the straight tendon section
Radius Only for tendon point type Intersection point: Rounding radius of tendon geometry
Note: The correction of angles if possible, if the tendon is internal. For external parts the angles will be calculated by the program itself.