RM Analyzer Help

Structure > Elements > Eccentric Connections

Viewing and editing eccentric connection data of structural elements

Element Number of the current element
Data in the table 2 lines are provided for each element, the first for user defined eccentric connections, the 2nd for cross-section eccentricities.
Elem Element number - increasing order
Type Element type
  • Beam: Beam element
  • Cable: Beam element
  • Spring: Linear spring element (static spring)
  • SFrict: Friction spring
  • SCont: Nonlinear spring
  • SCompr: Compression only spring
  • STens: Tension only spring
  • SBilin: Bilinear spring (spring with 2 different case-dependent linear characteristics)
  • Stiff: Arbitrary user defined stiffness matrix
  • Flex: User defined flexibility matrix
  • VDamp: Viscous damper element
  • SDamp: Damper spring

First lines:

CS type The code Global indicates, that the user defined  eccentricity values are displayed in terms of global direction components
Beta-Beg Empty
Ex-Beg, Ey-Beg, Ez-Beg User-defined eccentricity at element begin
Beta-End Empty
Ex-End, Ey-End, Ez-End User-defined eccentricity at element end
  • Sign: From the element to the node in global coordinate directions

2nd lines:

CS type Type of the cross-section eccentricity
  • YoZo: no cross-section eccentricity considered (reference point = CG)
  • YlZo: cross-section eccentricity in y direction considered
  • YoZl: cross-section eccentricity in z direction considered
  • YlZl: cross-section eccentricity in y and z direction considered
Beta-Beg Beta angle of the cross-section at the element begin
Ex-Beg, Ey-Beg, Ez-Beg Cross-section eccentricity at element begin
Beta-End Beta angle of the cross-section at the element end
Ex-Beg, Ey-Beg, Ez-Beg Cross-section eccentricity at the element end
Note: any element-Beta-angle defined in Length and Angles causes a rotation around the reference axis defined by CS type. The respective transformed eccentricity values of the element axis are calculated in the structure check and visible thereafter in the eccentricity table.