RM Analyzer Help

Node > New/Modify

Coordinates modification of existing nodes.

From / To / Step Node series to be defined
x/ y / z Global coordinates of the first node of the defined series
dx / dy / dz Incremental step in the coordinate values from one node to the next
Wind Grid Structural or non-structural nodes can be selectively assigned to the wind grid. Wind grid a triangular mesh which is generated for wind buffeting analysis in time domain. The wind fluctuations are calculated for selected mesh nodes over a TINT interval at time spacing as defined in Recalc pad. The structural members are automatically projected on the wind grid mesh and wind fluctuations are calculated for each element from the velocities at the mesh nodes.
Defining grid plane Three selected uncorrelated nodes are defining the position of wind grid in space. Always, the first three are used to define the grid plane.
Output wind velocity Nodes at which additional intermediate results are desired in TINT excel output file.
Ref. for coherence output Reference node for coherence output in TINT excel output file. Only one node can be defined as a reference node. In case of multiple selections, the first one is chosen as Reference node.