RM Analyzer Help

AddPnt: Info (Graphical Input)

New reinforcement, stress check and temperature points can be inserted in the selected cross-section, existing additional point modified, or a copy can be made. Data is interactively input (graphically). The displayed cross section can be zoomed in on. The check-buttons over the graphical window make possible to switch on/off certain items:

TxtFact Size of the numbering is possible to manipulate by changing the text factor
Elem Boundary of cross-section elements will be drawn
Nod Cross marks of all element nodes will be drawn
El-Num Cross-section elements will be numbered
Nod-Num Element nodes will be numbered
Reinf Reinforcement points/lines in the cross-section will be drawn and numbered
StrP Stress-check and temperature points of the cross-section will be drawn and numbered
Tend Tendon positions in the cross-section will be drawn

Input of node numbers for defining the additional point positions is automatically done when the appropriate node is selected graphically (short diagonal line over the node). The reinforcement/stress point (or line) will be drawn. immediately following the distance and angle definition. Input can be visually controlled this way. The table below displays the input data for the selected cross-section - This data can be copied, modified etc using the symbols above the table.

PointName The name(max. 16 char) can be assigned to the point.
PointType It is possible to choose between certain reinforcement types/arrangements, temperature, stress-check  and shear capacity check points:
  • single point (for reinforcement, stress check, temperature and shear capacity check)
  • polygon
  • curve
Attribute-Set An attribute-set (material) has to be assigned to each item of additional point
Note: The attribute-set can not be changed!
Reference-Set-Type Each additional point has a certain reference-set type
Note: The reference-set-type can not be changed!
Units During the input there is possible to change the units.
EDGES Each point must be assigned to two cross-section edges. The input of nodes distance and angle is necessary for each point.
Node 1 Input the cross-section node numbers for the first and second edges defining the first reinforcement point. The data can be interactively input (graphically). A short free-hand line drawn over the node position is sufficient for the program to recognize and input the node number.
Node 2 Input the cross-section node numbers for the first and second edges defining the second reinforcement point. The data can be interactively input (graphically). A short free-hand line drawn over the node position is sufficient for the program to recognize and input the node number.
Distance Distance of the reinforcement point from the first/second edge, measured in the direction defined by the angle - see input below.
Angle Direction (Angle) between the edge and the reinforcement point.
TMP For temperature point the temperature gradient has to be input.