RM Analyzer Help

Recalc > Basic Settings

Menu for starting the actual structural analysis. General calculation parameters are defined. The analysis starts when the Recalc button at bottom left is ticked.

Stages and actions marked in the Schedule with SKIP will not be run. However, element activation and deactivation is also performed for skipped construction stages.

Project/Schedule Information
Project Text Two lines for a text describing the project (header lines on output listings).
Design Code for checks The design code selection is only related to the proof checks (Ultimate state, shear, crack, etc.) and does not automatically pre-select material or loading definitions.

Choose calculation steps to be performed

Cross-section calculation Cross-section values have to be calculated at least once (3D rendering can not be viewed without this). If the cross-sections remain unchanged, this step can be skipped in subsequent calculations. The list file cross.lst is written automatically.
Structure check Input data is checked, all elements are set inactive, the result database is set to zero. The following list files are written automatically: material.lst, struct.lst, tendon.lst and stress.lst.
Stage calculation Structural Elements are activated/deactivated as defined in the Schedule and Schedule Actions are performed on the active structure as defined.
Initialize Load Manager All superposition files automatically created with the load management function are initialized at the begin of the recalculation. This option allows for avoiding the explicit initialization of the individual superposition files with the schedule action SupInit.
Influence-lines calculations Influence lines must be calculated at least once to enable the traffic loading calculation. If influence line results (*.inf files) already exist and lane definitions remain unchanged, this step may be skipped.
Time effects (C+S) Can be switched off to save calculation time in preliminary calculations neglecting creep and shrinkage effects. Relaxation can be switched off separately. The integration parameters for the creep and shrinkage time stepping procedure can be viewed and modified by selecting the C+S button.
Include Steel Relaxation The relaxation of the pre-stressing tendons is additionally considered in the creep and shrinkage calculation if the relaxation class of the pre-stressing steel has been defined and the summation load case is specified.
Note: A summation load case has to be defined.
Schedule Options
LC by LC analysis Normal calculation without considering results of previous construction stages.
Accumulate stiffness (Stage) The internal force state (normal forces) of previous construction stages is considered in the p-delta effect calculation. The relevant internal force state must be stored in the specified summation load case.
Note: A summation load case has to be defined.
Accumulate Perm. Loads (Stage) Permanent loading from all previous stage actions is accumulated and applied  to the structural model (generally in final stage) together with the current loading. Current load case results are the difference between the calculated results due to total load and previous results.
Note: A summation load case has to be defined.
Note: Application of this option is limited. In case of initial strain loads (creep, tendon stressing etc) and in composite structures the results are not correct!
Erection control (Stage) Similar to "Accumulate stiffness", but the deformation history in the construction schedule is fully considered in geometrically non-linear analyses (P-delta effects, Large displacements).  The current position and shape of elements is accurately considered in the load case and stiffness matrix calculation.
Note: A summation load case has to be defined.
with construction kink (Stage) If checked: Construction kinks are closed, i.e. the new elements will be placed with their design shape (design length) in the de- formed position of the nodes they are connected to. This includes rotations, i.e. the mounting direction of new elements will be rotated by the rotational deformation value of the connection node. Any with respect to boundary conditions inconsistent placement will yield constraint forces to squeeze the structure into the predefined constraints.
Summation Loadcase Load case comprising the current summation state due to previous permanent load cases. It is required for different purposes (e.g. calculation of relaxation, non-linear analysis with  accumulate stiffness, ...). The load case is preferably created with name or number and using the load management function.
Non-linear Analysis
P-Delta effects P-delta effects (additional moments due to deflected normal force) are considered
Note: In Structure > Elements > Checks the stiffness reduction can be switched off for individual elements by setting the option P-Delta to No for the  respective elements (e.g. if a slender beam element is over the whole length laterally connected to a parallel compact element).
Large displacements Calculation with considering large displacement theory.
Non-linear Material Any nonlinear material properties are considered (stress-strain diagram "Non-lin." in Properties > Material, existent reinforcement in cracked concrete sections).
Note: In Structure > Elements > Checks the stiffness the consideration of non-linear material properties can be switched off  for individual elements by setting the option NL-Mat to No for the respective elements.
Non-linear stay cables Select to include cable sagging effects in all cable elements.
Non-linear Springs Nonlinear structural analysis including any special non-linear spring elements defined in Structure > Elements > Springs.  Deselect to model special spring elements as linear static springs.
Non-linear dampers Nonlinear structural analysis including any specified damper elements.
Recalc all Storing the input data and starting the analysis for all schedule variants.
Run Storing the input data and starting the analysis for the selected schedule variant.
Reset Restoring current settings without leaving the input window.
Ok Storing the input data in all schedule variants with leaving the input window.
Cancel Leaving the input window without storing the modified input data.