RM Analyzer Help

File > Project Settings > General

Definition and modification of basic settings for processing the project, e.g. user defined descriptive texts, applicable design codes, applicable calculation units, etc.

User Interface Mode

Wizard: The project can only be processed by Wizard functions. Only models of standard bridge structures can be processed which can be described by the Wizard functions.

Full-featured: The whole RmBridge GUI is available for processing the project. Arbitrarily complex models accurately describing all special types of bridges can be created by the user.

General Function for definition and modification of design codes and calculation units.
Project Info Function for definition and modification of the project texts to be used
Modeler Options Function for definition of geometry settings for the geometric pre-processor (RmBridge Modeler).
BrIM Options Function for Definition of options for the graphical presentation and data storage in ProjectWise.
Code & Material

Standard: Selection of the relevant design code for performing the different proof checks.

Material group: Selection of the design code defining the standard materials to be offered for section.


Default Units (SI): A (partly modified) international (SI) unit system is used (kN instead of N as force unit).

Imperial Units: Use of the customary U.S. unit system (ft, kip).

User-defined: A user-defined unit system is used. In general the user will select first the appropriate basic unit system (SI or US) and then to switch to "User defined" and define the deviating units by selecting them in the respective selective list.

  • Length unit: The user has the possibility to define 2 separate length units, one for describing structural parameters (lengths of structural elements, line loads, surface loads, ...) and another one for describing cross-section dimensions and values.
  • Forces, Stresses and moments: For forces, moments and stresses it is possible to use individually different force and length units. Note that the stress unit is also used for defining the modulus of elasticity and shear.
  • Reinforcement areas: Length units deviating from the basically used length units can also be defined for describing reinforcement amounts in cross-sections.
  • Temperature: Only Celsius and Fahrenheit are allowed. Note that different formulas are used for transforming absolute temperature (e.g. in creep and shrinkage laws) and for transforming temperature difference (temperature loading).
  • Angle: only used for describing geometric parameters. Node rotations due to deformation are always given in Radians.