RM Analyzer Help

File > Export TCL Project Data > Detailed export

Further TCL-export functions.

ALL material types, Only USED material types Either all material types are exported or only the used ones.
ALL cross sections, Only USED cross sections Either all cross sections are exported or only the used ones.
Geom. tendon definition, 3D tendon position Export of the geometrical tendon definition input or 3D cable positions calculated out of that.
ALL plots, Only USED plots Either all plots are exported or only the used ones.
Element-material assignment Selection whether the element-material assignment shall be exported or not.
Element-cross section assignment Selection whether the element-cross section assignment shall be exported or not.
Composite information Selection whether the composite information shall be exported or not.
Slave tendon geometry When the tendon geometry is defined by a "master tendon", normally only the master geometry is exported. By selecting this option the slave tendon geometry will be saved additionally.
Export Modeler data to '<export-file<!gp.tcl' (Default) The data of the RmBridge Modeler may be written into a separate file and later be re-imported together with the project tcl.