RM Analyzer Help

Action > PlElUlt

Plots the ultimate bending and check capacity in elements cross-section. It is prepared for "UltLc" and "UltSup" results previously calculated.

The strain, stress and force diagrams for ultimate and check capacity envelopes will be presented in the output plot file.

Users can plot the *.lst file results and quickly check if the ultimate capacity is achieved by compression on concrete, or tension in the reinforcements.

Setting Description


Code of the selected Action. It is possible to switch to another action without leaving and re-entering the input function.

Action will be skipped (Option)

The action will be skipped in the calculation process if the option is selected.

Input-1 >RmSet || Element: From,To,Step

Input of RmSet name, where the element series is defined, or direct input of the series of elements (i.e.:1,3,1)

Input-2 > Ultimate envelope

Name of the superposition file used to perform the ultimate capacity check or reinforcement design with "UltSup" schedule action (ULS combination)

Input-2 > Lead component

Force Component result for which the plot file (*.pl) will be generated.

Input-2 > Begin/End

Select to generate the plot for element Begin /End or Both.

Input-3 > Capacity envelope

Name of the superposition output file calculated for the capacity check with "UltSup" schedule action.

Output-1 > Plot file

Name of the plot file to be created

Default: UltimateEnvelopeElem-Lead Component-b/e0.pl - for Ultimate state.

UltimateEnvelopeElem-Lead Component-b/e1.pl - for Capacity Check.


Duration of the Action (not applicable for this action)


Descriptive text for the selected Action (max. 80 characters)