RAM Structural System Help

Master Steel Table File Format

New Master Steel Tables can be created using a simple text editor. Use spaces, not tabs, between data items. The file name must have the extension .TAB.

CAUTION: Do not use a word processor as it might embed control characters into the file.

The file has the following format. The data for a given section must be placed on a single line.

The first line of the file contains an E or S, indicating English or SI units.

The steel sections are then listed, grouped by shape. Each group begins with a header (I, Channel, L, TS, Pipe, Tee, Roundbar, or Flatbar). W, M, and S shapes are included in the "I"group. Single angle properties are used for single angles as well as to calculate the double angle properties. Square and Rectangular Hollow Sections are included in the "TS" group. Round Hollow Sections are included in the "Pipe" group.

For each group a section is created. Each section begins with a heading and is followed by lines containing the section properties of members of that group, one line per member. Each group has the data as shown below. The definition of each variable is given in Sections 8.4.1 through 8.4.7. The variables defined in Section 8.4.1 are for I-shapes, but are common to other shapes. If so, those definitions are not repeated in subsequent sections.

Desig RollFlg Depth Tw Bftop Tftop Bfbot Tfbot ktop kbot Area Ix Sxtop Sxbot Zx Iy Sy Zy J Cw RTtop RTbot SAx Depth_det  Tw_det  Bftop_det  Bfbot_det  Tftop_det  Tfbot_det  ktop_det  kbot_det  k1top_det  k1bot_det  T_det

Desig Rollflg Depth Tw Bftop Tftop Bfbot Tfbot ktop kbot Area Ix Sxtop Sxbot Zx Iy Sy Zy J Cw xbar e0

Desig RollFlg Vleg Hleg tleg Area Ix Sx Zx Iy Sy Zy J Cw

Desig RollFlg Depth Tw Bf Tf Area Ix Sx Zx Iy Sy Zy J

Desig RollFlg OutDia Tw Area I S Z

Desig RollFlg Depth Tw Bftop Tftop ktop Area Ix Sxtop Sxbot Zx Iy Sy Zy J Cw

Design Diameter Area

Desig RollFlg Bf Tf Area

It is not necessary to specify values for the italicized variables in the format list. If any of the italicized values in the format list are set equal to zero or are left blank, those values will be calculated based on the dimensions given for the web and flanges except as explained below.

If Bfbot is set equal to zero in the table, Bfbot will be set equal to Bftop.

If Tfbot is set equal to zero in the table, Tfbot will be set equal to Tftop.

If Sxbot is set equal to zero but Sxtop is not equal to zero, Sxbot will be set equal to Sxtop. If Sxtop and Sxbot are both set equal to zero, Sxbot will be calculated based on the dimensions given for the web and flanges.

For angles, if Hleg is set equal to zero, Hleg will be set equal to Vleg.

In earlier versions of the programs, the detailing dimensions were not used in the program and so were not included in the Master tables. Some of these values are now used, currently in the Yield-Link feature, so they have been added to the I-shapes in the AISC tables. If the user is using a table in which these values have not been specified, the program will set the detailing value equal to the corresponding design value as indicated below. Note that this is mostly unconservative, and in some cases very unconservative, but there is no alternative if user hasn't defined the values. It is recommended that these values be specified in any tables created by the user, if the tables are possibly going to be used by the features that need these detailing values.

If Depth_det is set equal to zero in the table, Depth_det will be set equal to Depth.

If Tw_det is set equal to zero in the table, Tw_det will be set equal to Tw.

If both Bftop_det and Bfbot_det are set equal to zero in the table, Bftop_det will be set equal to Bftop and Bfbot_det will be set equal to Bfbot; otherwise, if Bftop_det has a specified value and Bfbot_det is set equal to zero in the table, Bfbot_det will be set equal to Bftop_det (based on the assumption that the shape is symmetric).

If both Tftop_det and Tfbot_det are set equal to zero in the table, Tftop_det will be set equal to Tftop and Tfbot_det will be set equal to Tfbot; otherwise, if Tftop_det has a specified value and Tfbot_det is set equal to zero in the table, Tfbot_det will be set equal to Tftop_det.

If both ktop_det and kbot_det are set equal to zero in the table, ktop_det will be set equal to ktop and kbot_det will be set equal to kbot; otherwise, if ktop_det has a specified value and kbot_det is set equal to zero in the table, kbot_det will be set equal to ktop_det.

If both k1top_det and k1bot_det are set equal to zero in the table, k1top_det will be set to ktop_det - tftop_det + 0.5f * tw and k1bot_det will be set equal to kbot_det – tfbot_det + 0.5f * tw; otherwise if k1top_det has a specified value and k1bot_det is set equal to zero in the table, k1bot_det will be set equal to k1top_det (based on the assumption that the shape is symmetric).

If T_det is set equal to zero in the table, T_det will be set equal to Depth_det - ktop_det - kbot_det.

Note: The section properties of any given member must appear on a single line in the Master Steel Table File. Some shapes are shown above in two lines due to space limitations on the page.

When zeros occur between non-zero values on a data line, the zeros must appear on the data line. If a zero occurs and all fields to the right also contain zeros, those zeros may be removed and the remainder of the line left blank. 

Since the actual section properties for rolled shapes are larger, due to the contribution of the fillets, than would be calculated based strictly on the web and flange dimension, some increase in accuracy can be obtained in the design by specifying all of the section properties in the tables.


the shape designation (e.g., W18X35), 15 characters maximum.
a flag, either an R or a B, indicating Rolled or Built-up shape. By placing this flag with each section rather than at the beginning of the table, you can mix Rolled and Built-up shapes in the same Master Table.
the total depth of the section (in. or mm).
the web thickness (in. or mm).
the top flange width (in. or mm).
the top flange thickness (in. or mm).
the bottom flange width (in. or mm).
the bottom flange thickness (in. or mm).
the distance from the outer face of the top flange to the web toe of the fillet (in. or mm).
the distance from the outer face of the bottom flange to the web toe of the fillet (in. or mm).
the total area (in.2 or cm2).
the moment of inertia about the X-X axis. (in.4 or cm4).

the elastic section modulus with respect to the top flange of the member (in.3 or cm3).

Note: This is Zx in European terminology.

the elastic section modulus with respect to the bottom flange of the member (in.3 or cm3).

Note: This is Zx in European terminology.

the plastic section modulus of the member (in.3 or cm3).

Note: This is Sx in European terminology.
the moment of inertia about the Y-Y axis (in.4 or cm4).

the elastic section modulus of the member with respect to the Y-Y axis (in.3 or cm3).

Note: This is Zy in European terminology.

the plastic section of the member with respect to the Y-Y axis (in.3 or cm3).

This is Sy in European terminology.

the Torsional Constant (in.4 or cm4)
the Warping Constant (in.6 or cm6).

the radius of gyration (see AISC Manual) with respect to the top flange of the member (in. or mm).

Note: This is used only for AISC ASD and may otherwise be set to 0.0.

the radius of gyration (see AISC Manual) with respect to the bottom flange of the member (in. or mm).

Note: This is used only for AISC ASD and may otherwise be set to 0.0.
the shear area in the major direction. (in2 or cm2)
Note: This is required for Virtual Joist Girders and may otherwise be set to 0.0.
the detailing equivalent of Depth (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of Tw (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of Bftop (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of Bfbot (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of Tftop (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of Tfbot (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of kftop (in. or mm).
the detailing equivalent of kfbot (in. or mm).
a detailing value for the distance from the centerline of the web to the toe of the top flange fillet (in. or mm).
a detailing value for the distance from the centerline of the web to the toe of the bottom flange fillet (in. or mm).
a detailing value for the distance from the toe of the top flange fillet to the toe of the bottom flange fillet (in. or mm).


the distance from the web face to the centroid with respect to the Y-Y axis (in. or mm).
the distance from the web face to the shear center (in. or mm).

Angles (L)

the vertical leg width (in. or mm)
the horizontal leg width (in. or mm)
the leg thickness (in. or mm)
Note: This data is also used for double angles (2L).

TS (Square or Rectangular HSS or Built-up Box Shapes)

Tw thickness of the sides associated with the depth (in. or mm).
Bf width (in. or mm).
Tf thickness of the sides associated with the width (in. or mm).

Pipes (Round Hollow Sections)

the outer diameter of the member (in. or mm)
the wall thickness
the moment of inertia of the member (in.4 or cm4)
the section modulus of the member (in.3 or cm3)
the plastic section of the member (in.3 or cm3)

RoundBar (Rods)

Diameter Diameter of bar (in. or mm).

FlatBar (Flat Bars or Plates)

Bf width of bar (in. or mm).
Tf thickness of bar (in. or mm).

Example Tables

The following is a sample listing from the RAMAISC.TAB file:

W44X335   R   44.0   1.03    15.9   1.77   0.0   0.0   2.56   0.0   98.5   31100   1410   0.0   1620   1200   150   236    74.7  535000   0.0  0.0  0.0  44.0000  1.0000  16.0000  0.0  1.7500  0.0  3.0000  0.0  1.7500  0.0  38.0000
W44X290   R   43.6   0.865   15.8   1.58   0.0   0.0   2.36   0.0   85.4   27000   1240   0.0   1410   1040   132   205    50.9  461000   0.0  0.0  0.0  43.6250  0.8750  15.8750  0.0  1.5625  0.0  2.8125  0.0  1.6250  0.0  38.0000

C15X50   R   15.0   0.716   3.72   0.650   0.0   0.0   1.44   0.0   14.7   404   53.8   0.0   68.5   11.0   3.77   8.14   2.65   492   0.799   0.583
C15X40   R   15.0   0.520   3.52   0.650   0.0   0.0   1.44   0.0   11.8   348   46.5   0.0   57.5   9.17   3.34   6.84   1.45   410   0.778   0.767

L12X12X1-3/8   R   12.0   12.0   1.375   31.1   413   48.6   88.1   413   48.6   88.1   19.9   211
L12X12X1-1/4   R   12.0   12.0   1.250   28.4   381   44.6   80.7   381   44.6   80.7   14.9   160

HSS24X12X3/4   R   24.0   0.698   12.0   0.698   47.1   3440   287   359   1170   195   221   2850
HSS24X12X5/8   R   24.0   0.581   12.0   0.581   39.6   2940   245   304   1000   167   188   2430

HSS20.000X0.500   R   20.0   0.465   28.5   1360   136   177   
HSS20.000X0.375   R   20.0   0.349   21.5   1040   104   135

WT22X167.5   R   22.0   1.03   15.9   1.77   2.56   49.2   2170   0.0   131   234   600   75.2   118   37.2   438
WT22X145   R   21.8   0.865   15.8   1.58   2.36   42.6   1830   0.0   111   196   521   65.9   102   25.4   275

RB1/4       0.2500
RB5/16     0.3125

PL3/16X1/2     R   0.50   0.1875
PL3/16X3/4     R   0.75   0.1875
Note: The section properties of any given member must appear on a single line in the Master Steel Table File. Several members are shown above in two lines due to space limitations.

In addition to the standard rolled steel shapes, tables of built-up shapes can be created.

The following is a portion of a file of built-up shapes. Notice that in this example, only the web and flange dimensions are included. If other section properties are not included in the file the program will calculate the section properties from the given data.


B14X19.2  B  13.75  0.188  4.25  0.375
B17X19.3  B  16.63  0.188  4.25  0.250  4.25  0.375
B12X19.3  B  11.63  0.188  4.25  0.250  6.75  0.375
B15X19.6  B  14.63  0.188  4.25  0.250  5.25  0.375
B10X19.8  B   9.75  0.188  5.50  0.375
B16X20.2  B  15.63  0.188  4.25  0.250  5.50  0.375
B15X20.2  B  14.63  0.188  4.25  0.250  4.25  0.375
B14X20.4  B  13.50  0.250  5.50  0.250
B18X21.7  B  17.50  0.250  4.25  0.250