RAM Structural System Help

Layout - Frame Numbers

The Layout - Frame Numbers command allows you to assign frame numbers to Lateral Frame members. Frame numbers can be assigned only to Lateral members, and are used only by RAM Frame. The primary purpose of the frame numbers is to group frame members for output purposes. The assignment of frame numbers can also be done similarly in RAM Frame.

When you select the Frame Numbers command from the Layout menu, the Layout Frame Numbers dialog box appears.

Enter a number in the Frame Number edit box that you wish to assign to the members of the frame with which you are presently working.

The default is to assign this frame number to all Columns, Beams, and Walls. This is evidenced by all option boxes in the Assign To box being checked. If you do not wish to assign the frame number to all member types, click the appropriate option box under the Assign To box to remove the X from the check box. Different member types within the same frame can be assigned different numbers.

Frame numbers can be assigned one member at a time or in Fence mode by clicking the Single or Fence buttons.

Single: Click the target cursor on the member to which you wish to assign a frame number. If the member type was selected in the Assign To box, the member will be assigned the frame number. If the member type was not selected, an error message will be posted to the screen.
Fence: The Fence command is used to assign frame numbers to all members of the selected the types in a given area. Members of member types selected in the Assign To box will have the frame number assigned to it while those not selected will not receive a frame number. No error message will occur.

Return to the Assign Lateral Frame Number dialog box with the Right Mouse Button or the "D" key.

Return to the Layout - Frame Number menu with the "M" key.

Clicking the Cancel button or selecting any other RAM Modeler Layout command will end the Layout - Frame Number command.