RAM Structural System Help

Datacheck Enhancements – Technology Preview

In order to include the new Datacheck checks, you must modify the ramis.ini file (located in the C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Engineering\RAM Structural System directory) to include the following section:

            DatacheckOffset = 1
            DatacheckOffsetLowerTol = 0.00000001
            DatacheckOffsetUpperTol = 1.0
            DatacheckHorizVert = 1
            DatacheckHorizVertLowerTol = 0.000000000001
            DatacheckHorizVertUpperTol = 0.001
            DatacheckOffMember = 1
            DatacheckOffMemberLowerTol = 0.0001
            DatacheckOffMemberUpperTol = 0.1
            DatacheckOffMemberLowerAngleTol = 0.1
            DatacheckOffMemberUpperAngleTol = 4.0
This section should be added after the [Tip] section. Use Notepad or other simple text editor (not Word, for example) when editing the ramis.ini file.

These variables associated with the checks are defined below.

Members slightly offset from grids. If a member is very nearly but not exactly attached to a nearby grid intersection, it is often an indication that the member is not attached to the intended snap point, but rather to a nearby point. This is generally not a problem, such conditions are allowed, but when the other framing around this member use the correct grid point, in very rare cases this condition can cause gravity loads to be incorrectly distributed or cause the analysis to terminate.

DatacheckOffset:          Set equal to 1 to include this check, set equal to 0 to exclude this check.
                DatacheckOffsetLowerTol:  Distance (inches), the lower tolerance on the check.
                DatacheckOffsetUpperTol:  Distance (inches), the upper tolerance on the check.

Members very nearly horizontal or vertical. If a beam or wall is very nearly but not exactly horizontal in plan, it is often an indication that the member end is not attached to the intended snap point, but rather to a nearby point. Same for a member that is very nearly but not exactly vertical in plan. This is generally not a problem, such conditions are allowed, and in some cases intended, but when the other framing around this member use the correct snap point, in very rare cases this condition can cause gravity loads to be incorrectly distributed or cause the analysis to terminate.

DatacheckHorizVert:           Set equal to 1 to include this check, set equal to 0 to exclude this check.
            DatacheckHorizVertLowerTol:   Difference (in.) between the coordinate at each end of beam or wall, the lower tolerance on the check.
            DatacheckHorizVertUpperTol:   Difference (in.) between the coordinate at each end of beam or wall, the upper tolerance on the check.
Deck or Load polygon edges misaligned with member. If the edge of a Deck or Surface Load polygon very nearly but not exactly coincides with a beam or wall, it is often an indication that the polygon vertex was not attached to the intended snap point, but rather to a nearby snap point. Alternatively, it may be an indication that the beam or wall was not modeled exactly as intended. Deck polygon edges should coincide precisely with beams and walls; surface load polygons are not required to coincide with beams and walls, but this condition, in which the edge very slightly diverges from the beam or wall, should be avoided. The program generally deals with this problem correctly, but in rare cases this condition can cause composite properties to be incorrectly assigned to a beam, cause gravity loads to be incorrectly distributed, or cause the analysis to terminate.
DatacheckOffMember:                Set equal to 1 to include this check, set equal to 0 to exclude this check.
            DatacheckOffMemberLowerTol:        Distance (in.) between the polygon edge and the member; the lower tolerance on the check.
            DatacheckOffMemberUpperTol:        Distance (in.) between the polygon edge and the member; the upper tolerance on the check.
            DatacheckOffMemberLowerAngleTol:   When the polygon edge and the member are skewed with respect to each other, the angle between the two; the lower tolerance on the check.
            DatacheckOffMemberUpperAngleTol:   When the polygon edge and the member are skewed with respect to each other, the angle between the two; the upper tolerance on the check.
The program analysis can handle some degree of imperfection; it is not necessary that member and polygon coordinates are exactly precise, but very small offsets generally indicate unintended modeling conditions. There appears to be a range of distances and angles that sometimes are problematic for the analysis to perform correctly. The goal of this Technology Preview is to determine the proper range of values necessary to catch the critical conditions without producing an excessive amount of unnecessary warnings. For the lower tolerance value, the goal is to find the largest acceptable value; if the value is too small it will result in unnecessary warnings, if the value is too large it will miss conditions that might be a problem. For the upper tolerance value, the goal is to find the smallest acceptable value; if the value is too large it will result in unnecessary warnings, if the value is too small it will miss conditions that might be a problem.

If you find that the Datacheck is giving numerous unnecessary warnings, try tightening the tolerances; if it is missing problem conditions, try loosening the tolerances. Please report to us your experience with this feature so that we can finalize it and make it a regular part of the Datacheck.