RAM Structural System Help

To design per the IS 456 code

To design concrete building elements per the IS 456, you can export analytical model data from RAM Structural System to RCDC.

You must select IS 456 in the Code Criteria dialog.
Note: You must have RCDC installed on the computer using RAM Structural System.
  1. Perform an analysis by either:

    select Process > Analyze.


    select the Analyze tool.

  2. Select IS 456 Design from the Mode drop-down. The RCDC New Project dialog opens.
  3. Type the Project Details: Project, Client, and Engineer.
  4. Select the Design Code.
  5. Select the Design Element you want to export to RCDC.
  6. Select the Level containing design elements you want to export to RCDC.
  7. Click Create New Project.
The RCDC application opens and imports the selected design elements from the selected level.
Proceed with the design process in RCDC. Refer to the product help in that application for further details.