RAM Structural System Help

Base Plate Size

RAM Foundation automatically imports from the RAM Steel Column Design module all the available base plate data for gravity steel columns. The Assign > Base Plate command is used either to override these imported base plate dimensions or to assign base plate dimensions to lateral steel columns. The Assign > Base Plate command is the only assign command within RAM Foundation that works on a per column basis rather than a per foundation basis.

The base plate plan dimensions and percent of overhang assumed rigid are used to find the effective area of the column load as well as the location for calculating the dimensions used in checking the footing's flexure and shear capacities.

Length Base plate dimension parallel to column local major direction
Width Base plate dimension parallel to column local minor direction
% Of Overhang to Assume Rigid Most codes assume that only half the distance from the column perimeter to the base plate edge can be assumed as rigid, which would be a value of 50%. However, when stiffeners or extra thick base plates are used, that value can be raised to a maximum of 100%.

The Assign > Base Plate command is also used to clear user-defined base plate sizes. Once a base plate size has been marked as user-defined, its dimensions will not be reset even if it is redesigned in the RAM Steel Column module. If, after assigning a base plate size, the user wants RAM Steel to redesign the base plate, the user-defined size must first be cleared.