RAM Structural System Help

View/Update Result Icons

An icon that represents the result of each seismic check appears in each row in the results list of the View/Update dialog. Double-click on a particular row to get a brief description of the icon displayed for that check.

Icon Description

Information Only
This icon represents that information is going to be provided to the user. For example, this result will appear if the engineer performs a view update on a member to which no frame type has been assigned. Refer to Frame Types for how to assign frame types to members prior to performing a view update.

Detailing Requirements Only
This icon represents the fact that this check is a detailing requirement. For these checks RAM Frame will provide the engineer with any required values to assist them in completing the detailing requirement. The member cannot fail because of these type checks.

This icon represents a check that could not be performed by RAM Frame because some unusual situation was encountered. It is the engineer’s responsibility to perform these additional checks. For example, a joint check where the joint is invalid (Refer to Assumptions and Limitations) will cause this result.

Additional Check Required
This icon represents a check that could not be completed. It is the engineer’s responsibility to perform these additional checks. For these checks RAM Frame will provide the engineer with most of the information required to complete this check.

No Good, Exception Not Attempted (Yellow)
This icon represents a check that was unsuccessful, but one or more exception could not be performed. RAM Frame will try and exhaust all possibilities (attempt all exceptions) before failing a member or joint. If the member fails all the checks RAM Frame performs, but one or more exceptions could not be performed then Caution Failure is reported. If the engineer can successfully perform the exception then this member may be acceptable.

No Good (Red)
This icon represents a check that was unsuccessful. All exceptions for that check were also performed and failed. RAM Frame will try and exhaust all possibilities (attempt all exceptions) before failing a member or joint.

This icon represents a check that was successful.
Note: Some checks may contain a "-" to the left of the icon. The symbol represents the fact that this check has another check as an exception. The first subsequent result listed in the results lists without the "-" is that exception check. Therefore, if a check fails but has a "-" symbol, and the exception check is OK, then that member will be acceptable and the stoplight will be green.