RAM Structural System Help

Options - Reference Layout Types

Reference layout types are layout types other than the current one that are drawn faded. The Reference Layout Types dialog allows control over which (if any) are drawn, as well as control over how dimly they are drawn.

By default no reference layout types are shown. There are two ways to enable them.

The first is to simply check the check boxes next to the desired layout types in the Layout Types box at the top of the dialog. Any layout types checked will always be drawn. Note that the list of selected layout types is stored in the RAM model file, and all RAM models default to not having any layout types enabled as reference layout types. The list of layout types contains all layout types in the model, whether or not they are assigned to a story. All of the ones assigned to a story are listed first in bold, with the top story at the beginning of the list. All of the ones not assigned to a story are listed last. It is therefore possible to create a layout type designed purely for reference usage on other layout types.

The second way to enable reference layout types is to check the Always show layout type above current layout type check box, or the Always show layout type below current layout type check box. Checking either of these causes the corresponding layout type to dynamically track the currently selected layout type. Note that even though this is dealing with layout types, there is no concept of "above" or "below" for layout types that aren't assigned to a story, so this only works if the current layout type is assigned to a story. The selection for these two check boxes is remembered by RAM Modeler itself, and is not stored in the model file.

Below the other checks is the Include reference layout types in full zoom check box. If this is checked, the calculation of extents for the default zoom level and full zoom feature will included the geometry in all enabled reference layout types. If it is unchecked, then only the currently selected layout type will be considered for this calculation.

The final elements in the dialog are a slider that controls how dim the reference layout types are when they are drawn, and button to reset back to the default dimness level.

Please note that reference layout types interact with the Set Snap Points dialog.