RAM Structural System Help

Closing Remarks for P-Delta Analysis

In RAM Frame, in-plane diaphragm action can be defined with one of four types: Flexible/None, Pseudo-Flexible, Semirigid and Rigid. Regarding P-Delta effects, only Rigid and Semirigid diaphragm types are considered. In addition, the program allows one-way or two-way load distribution for gravity loads and this can be defined with one-way or two-way deck definition in the Modeler.

Briefly, whole diaphragm behavior is defined with a combination of its in-plane and out-of-plane behavior. The in-plane behavior (transferring wind, seismic or dynamic loads to lateral load resisting members) can be defined with one of the four types. The out-of-plane behavior (distributing gravity loads to beams and columns through either one-way or two-way load distribution) can be determined with 1-way or 2-way deck assignment. Mass loads or gravity loads can be used for P-Delta effects. Considering all these choices, there exist different ways of handling P-Delta effects in the program. The following figure shows all possible choices and briefly explains how the program proceeds:

P-Delta Controls