RAM Structural System Help

License Consolidation

Since the RAM Structural System was first released in 1990 the RAM Structural System has been licensed by the individual modules (e.g., RAM Steel, RAM Concrete, RAM Frame, RAM Foundation). As new modules were added they were made available under a new separate license. This proliferation of license creates confusion for clients, potential clients, and internally at Bentley. To simplify, we are consolidating the individual module licenses into a single package, RAM Structural System. They will no longer be licensed as individual modules.

Note: If you currently license the RAM Structural System through the Structural Enterprise License, these changes have no impact on your licenses, and the following information is not relevant.

What is included in each license:

  • RAM Structural System license includes all of the modules: RAM Modeler, RAM Steel, RAM Concrete, RAM Frame Analysis, RAM Frame Steel Design, and RAM Foundation.

What the consolidation of licenses means for you:

  • Based on the number of current licenses of the various individual modules that you have, you have been upgraded to a corresponding number of full RAM Structural System licenses.
  • Each RAM Structural System license now grants you full access to all of the modules in the program: RAM Modeler, RAM Steel, RAM Concrete, RAM Frame Analysis, RAM Frame Steel Design, and RAM Foundation. You now have access to all modules even if you previously did not have licenses for some of those modules.
  • There is no charge for this upgrade. Starting in 2020 the cost of annual SELECT will be based on the cost of the RAM Structural System license rather than on the costs of the individual modules.
  • While we highly recommend that you upgrade to this version, you will still be able to run previous versions; their use will be logged against your RAM Structural System licenses. For important information on this refer to the wiki linked below.
Important: With this change of licenses the person at your company that has the role of Administrator for the Bentley products must configure the RAM Structural System license so that it gives the overuse warnings; this must be done again, for the RAM Structural System license, even if it had previously been done for the individual module licenses. This should be done immediately even if you don’t intend to upgrade to V17.00 at this time.

For more complete and updated information, go to the RAM Structural System V17.0 License Consolidation wiki on Bentley Communities:


(or go to: https://communities.bentley.com and search for "v17.00").