RAM Structural System Help

License Management

The RAM Structural Systemcontains links to three related Bentley products, RAM SBeam, RAM Concept, and RAM Connection, providing design interoperability. Each of those programs have their own licenses. It is possible for a client to have licenses for some programs but not for the others. Because of the ease with which these programs can be invoked, a method of restricting the use of each has been incorporated in order to prevent unwanted or inadvertent usage by an unsuspecting user from being logged against the licenses that the company actually owns. This is done using the Tools > Manage License Restrictions command.

The Activation Status of the various Bentley products can be seen by selecting the Tools > Manage Licenses command. This provides a way of verifying the products for which you currently have active licenses, and to activate licenses for additional purchased products.

Licenses can be checked out and back in on the License Checkout tab. Note however that it isn't generally necessary to do this; furthermore, doing so results in the usage log showing continuous use of that license for the duration of the checkout.