RAM Structural System Help

Error Messages

The following error messages may appear during the design process.

"Kz > 1.4", "Ky > 1.4" Displayed when the moment amplification factor exceeds the code specified limit 1.4. The engineer can choose to consider P-Delta in Analysis if  exceeds the code limits.
"T-O in Bend" Some tension-only members (flat bars, rods etc) do not have bending capacities calculated. This error is issued if one of these member types is subject to a bending force following an analysis.
"T-O in Comp" Some tension-only members (flat bars, rods etc) do not have compression capacities calculated. This error is issued if one of these member types is subject to a compression force following an analysis. This should only occur if the user assigns a tension-only shape to a member that is then not designated to be tension-only.
"A-O in Bend" Some members capable of withstanding both tension and compression forces only do not have bending capacities calculated. This error is issued if one of these member types is subject to a bending force following an analysis.