RAM Concept Help

Selected distribution plots

You can create selected distribution plots using the Selected Plot Distribution tool (). The plot displayed along the drawn line shows the distribution of the values shown in the main 2D plot (controlled in the Plot () dialog box). The integrated value shown below the distribution plot is the sum of the area of the plot. This integrated value may or may not be useful depending upon the plotted quantity (for example, the integration of a top-stress plot is a force/length value, which is largely useless).

You need to take special care when using the Selected Plot Distribution tool () with the "max" and "min" axis contour plots (such as a Service LC Max Bottom Stress Plan). The "max" and "min" stress plots show the maximum or minimum principal value at every point in the slab. At each point along a selected plot distribution of the principal values, the principal axes may be different. The integrated value for the distribution plot has mathematical meaning, but does not have any structural meaning.

If you want to see the distribution of stresses (or moments, etc.) about a particular axis, you can use the Plot () dialog box to set the contour plot axis (using the Value Plotted Axis) to be the axis of the results you want to view. The Selected Plot Distribution tool () then shows the values for that axis.