RAM Concept Help

SSR Callout

The SSR Callout format specifiers use the following key values:

  • $R - Rail quantity
  • $S - Studs per rail
  • $F - First stud spacing
  • $T - Typical stud spacing
  • $N - SSR system name
  • $U - Stud spacing units
  • $S - Stud spacing
  • \n - Start new line

The SSR Callout format specifier "($R)$S@$T First Spacing = $F $U\n$N" would generate text on the plan view such as:

(12)8@3 First Spacing = 2.5 inches

3/8” SSR

For the same SSR Callout, the format specifier "$R rails with $S studs" would generate the text:

12 rails with 8 studs