RAM Concept Help

Calc profile tool

You can adjust profiles manually or use the Calc Profile tool () for automatic adjustment.

Too much uplift in a tendon can cause deflection reversals that may crack the slab. For this and other reasons, it is a good idea to have the amount of uplift or load balance somewhat consistent from span to span.

To edit a tendon based on uplift

  1. Select a tendon segment.
  2. Click the Calc Profile tool ().The Calc Tendon Profile dialog box appears and reports the current balance load.
  3. Input the desired balance load (values are typically negative) in the Calc Tendon Profile dialog box and click Calc.

The low point (end 2) adjusts to provide the desired uplift. You can select two segments in the same span and RAM Concept calculates the low point based on average uplift. It is generally not necessary to balance exactly the same amount of load in each span. It is not advisable to have an excessive number of different low points. Manually rounding the profile values can produce a more practical design.

If the desired balance load is too high then RAM Concept could calculate a negative profile that causes an error when calculating the results.

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