RAM Concept Help

Define the longitude profile polylines Pt. 3

Complete the steps in "Define the longitude profile polylines Pt. 2" before proceeding.
  1. Draw a profile polyline:
    1. Click at the end of the profile polyline point stretched to mid way between lines 1 and 2.
    2. Click at the center of the column at C-2.
    3. Right click and select Enter.
  2. Right click and choose Selection Properties.
  3. Change the Elevation Reference to Above Soffit and the Elevation to 4 inches, and click OK.
  4. Select all four profile polylines on the longitude tendon parameters layer along lines C/B.8, B, and A.
  5. Choose the Generate Span Polylines tool ().
  6. Set the Elevation to 1.25 inches and the Span Orientation Angle to 90 degrees, and click OK.
  7. Choose the Generate Tendons tool () and inspect the generated tendons on the Generated Latitude Tendon and Generated Longitude Tendon layers.

Longitude Tendon Parameters: Standard Plan