RAM Concept Help

ACI 318-99, ACI 318-01, and ACI 318-05 Specific Options

Use ACI 421.1R-99 Increased Max Vn Suggestion Allows the use of a higher maximum ΦVn for SSR design.
Use ACI-421.1R-99 Increased Vc Suggestion Allows the use of a higher vc value for use in strength computations for SSR design.
Use ACI-421.1R-99 Increased Max Stud Spacing Suggestion Allows higher maximum stud spacings, depending upon the stress levels in the critical sections.
Note: Although ACI 421.1R-99 is an ACI publication, it is not officially recognized by the ACI 318 standard. As such, it should only be utilized under the discretion and judgment of an Engineer with a full understanding of the provision and its recommendations.