RAM Concept Help

Area spring properties

The following is a list of RAM Concept area spring properties:

Name User-defined label used to identify the spring in output. This label is automatically transferred to meshed area springs during mesh generation.
Elevation above slab soffit Vertical distance between the area spring and the soffit.
Spring Angle (R=X, S=Y@0) Orientation of the local axes. The plan shows spring orientation.
R-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the r-axis.
S-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the s-axis.
Z-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the global z-axis.
R-Moment Constant Angular spring constant about the local r-axis.
S-Moment Constant Angular spring constant about the local s-axis.
Note: If the force constant (or moment constant) is uniform you need to enter only one value.
Note: The force constant (or moment constant) can linearly vary in any direction.
Note: If the force constant (or moment constant) varies you need to enter three values, separated by commas (corners 1, 2 and 3). This allows linear variation of the force constant (or moment constant) in two directions. See the following figure.
Note: If you use the Area Spring tool to specify a varying force constant (or moment constant), Concept calculates the unique value of the fourth corner (three points define a plane).

Area spring properties varying from 100 to 200 to 300 units at the first three corners. For quad areas, Concept calculates the fourth corner value.