RAM Concept Help

Monitoring a Running Optimization

At any time, the status of a running optimization can be monitored by selecting the Optimization Manager tool (also found at Optimize > Optimization Manager) which launches the Optimization Manager dialog.

Scenarios Table

The top table shows information for scenarios that are running, completed, or stopped running during the optimization.

Column Description
Name The unique name that given to the scenario when it was started
Status The state of the optimization (whether it is running, finished, stopped, or failed due to a runtime error
Iterations Completed Indicates how many iterations the optimization has completed
% Improvement The percentage improvement of the best trial in the last iteration, measured against the best trial in the specified Number of Non-Improvement Iterations. Until the number of Non-Improvement iterations is reached, it will display N/A.
ACU (Analytical Compute Unit) The standard unit of consumption for Bentley analytical cloud compute resources. The total number of ACU's consumed for a single optimization is calculated based on the total optimization time and the Resource Consumption Rate noted in the Number of Trials box.
Stop Suspends an optimization (it can be subsequently resumed).
Resume Restarts an optimization that is not running, either because it was stopped, experienced an error, power outage, etc.

Edit the properties, such as stopping criteria, of a stopped optimization.

Delete Deletes the scenario, including any local files and folders as well as any cloud storage.
Note: This cannot be undone.
Load Scenario Model Load the scenario model associated with the selected scenario (this action will close the currently open model)
Export Scenario Data Exports the cost information for each trial of the scenario selected in the Scenarios Table to a CSV file.
Load Base Model Load the base model associated with the currently loaded scenario model (only available when a scenario model is open - this action will close the currently open model)
New Scenario Launches the Start Optimization dialog to start a new optimization/scenario.
Convergence Chart Tabulates the Total Cost (y-axis) versus Total ACU's consumed (x-axis) for the selected scenario. Three lines are plotted: Best Overall Design (w/ penalty for failures), Best Overall Design (w/o failure penalty), Best Valid Design (no failure).
Trials Table The bottom table displays the cost information and failures for each trial that is calculated. The tables can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
Column Description
Optimized Cost Sum of the material and labor costs for all the PT, rebar, and SSR in the trial. The lowest value here is generally the most economical solution.
PT Cost Cost of material and labor for the PT in the trial.
Rebar Cost Cost of material and labor for the rebar in the trial.
SSR Cost Cost of the material and labor for the SSR in the trial.
Failures The number of design code criteria failures in the trial. The optimizer should eliminate these, if possible, as the solution progresses. Any trial with a failure is not considered a valid solution.
Model Cost Sum of the material and labor costs for PT, rebar, and SSR (Optimized Cost) and the material and labor costs for concrete and formwork
Load Best Allows you to load the best trial that has been found to date in the model. The model can then subsequently be run so that the details of the trial and its associated results can be viewed and investigated. (this action will load the scenario model associated with the current loaded scenario)
Load Selected Allows you to load the trial selected in the Trials Table. The model can then subsequently be run so that the details of the trial and its associated results can be viewed and investigated. (this action will load the scenario model associated with the selected trial)