RAM Concept Help

Create ISM Repository

To create an ISM repository from a RAM Concept model:

  1. Select File > Sync ISM > Create repository.
  2. Select the repository file and click OK. The Export Story dialog opens, as in the following figure.

    ISM Export Dialog

  3. Type a story Name and Elevation (in the indicated units), and click OK. The story name and elevation are both required.
  4. (Optional) Type a Substructure name, if wanted. If included, the substructure is created –if it does not already exist– and all ISM objects exported by RAM Concept are made members of this substructure.
  5. (Optional) Set the Open Structural Synchronizer checkbox to open the Structural Synchronizer update dialog next. Use this window for manual inspection and filtering of the items to be exported.
  6. Click OK.