RAM Concept Help

Using Strip Wizard

Strip Wizard is a dialog that automates the initial steps in the process of creating a model in RAM Concept . When modeling a straightforward slab or beam, you can efficiently use Strip Wizard to enter the structural data without having to draw in a plan window. With the wizard, you can enter the spans, tributaries, loads and post-tensioning in the same way you would with a conventional two-dimensional program. Since entering the structural data in Strip Wizard is so quick and easy, it is particularly useful for preliminary design of slabs, beams, and joists.

Strip Wizard uses the structural information you provide to build a model in a new RAM Concept file. You can then modify the file by drawing openings, surface steps, point loads, and such using plan windows. Strip Wizard is deliberately simple, so use it to create the basic structure, and then modify the structure in plans if necessary.

The authors intend that Strip Wizard be largely for assessment of two-dimensional behavior. The (automatic) design results are only for one direction (the x-axis). Since RAM Concept is a three-dimensional program, line supports are automatically included along the edges of the model that allow deflection but no rotation. This closely simulates two-dimensional behavior.