RAM Concept Help

Area spring properties

The following is a list of RAM Concept area spring properties:

Elevation above slab soffit Vertical distance between the area spring and the soffit.

Spring Angle (R=X, S=Y@0) Orientation of the local axes. The plan shows spring orientation.

R-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the r-axis.

S-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the s-axis.

Z-Force Constant Spring constant in the direction of the global z-axis.

R-Moment Constant Angular spring constant about the local r-axis.

S-Moment Constant Angular spring constant about the local s-axis.

Note: If the force constant (or moment constant) is uniform you need to enter only one value.
Note: The force constant (or moment constant) can linearly vary in any direction.
Note: If the force constant (or moment constant) varies you need to enter three values, separated by commas (corners 1, 2 and 3). This allows linear variation of the force constant (or moment constant) in two directions. See the following figure.
Note: If you use the Area Spring tool to specify a varying force constant (or moment constant), Concept calculates the unique value of the fourth corner (three points define a plane).

Area spring properties varying from 100 to 200 to 300 units at the first three corners. For quad areas, Concept calculates the fourth corner value.