RAM Concept Help

Creating a new bending moment plan

The following example demonstrates creating a bending moment plot plan for the Strength Rule Set.

  1. Choose Layers > New Plan.
  2. Type a name. For example, Strength BMD.

    RAM Concept automatically appends the word "plan" to the name and prepends the layer name.

  3. Select the Strength Design layer and then click OK. The Visible Objects dialog box appears.
  4. Click Show Nothing and then and click OK.
  5. Choose View > Plot (). The Plot dialog box appears.
  6. Select the Section Analysis tab.
  7. Check Active.

    Keep the Value as Bending Moment

  8. Uncheck Maximum Capacity and Minimum Capacity.
  9. Click OK.
Note: You can select specific frame numbers in the dialog box. This could be used to show a plot for, say, a single beam.
Note: You can selectively turn off left, middle and right strips. Left and right are the "half" middle strips. Center is the column strip.