RAM Concept Help

Using the warning and error tool to find and resolve problems

Warnings and errors can be sorted by severity by clicking on the Severity column header. The Layer column shows the layer that the warning or error is associated with, and the Type column provides a short description of the warning or error. Hovering the mouse over the short description in the Type column will provide a more detailed description.

Highlighting error geometry

Selecting one or more warning or error in the table will highlight any geometry associated with that warning or error. The geometry is shown on the active plan regardless of the layer that contains the error object. There must be an active plan displayed in order to view the geometry.

Selecting objects associated with warnings and errors

If there is an object associated with the warning or error, click Select to open a plan that displays the object's plot layer and selects the appropriate object. This makes it easy to change the object's properties and either revise or delete the object in order to resolve the issue. Double-clicking on an individual warning or error row is equivalent to choosing that row and clicking Select.

Zooming the view to highlighted error extent

Click Zoom to change the current plan view zoom to the extent of the highlighted error and warning objects.