RAM Concept Help

Ancon Shearfix Parameters

Top and Bottom Cover The cover is used in conjunction with the slab depth to determine the physical rail depth.

Stud Size The Ancon Shearfix stud size (diameter) to use in the design. If "auto" is selected, RAM Concept will design the smallest stud size possible for the maximum stud spacing and fixed rail layout.

Note: These parameters are only used when the "Use Ancon Shearfix SSR System" option is selected.

Use ACI 421.1R-99 Increased Max Vn Suggestion Allows the use of a higher maximum ΦVn for SSR design.

Use ACI-421.1R-99 Increased Vc Suggestion Allows the use of a higher vc value for use in strength computations for SSR design.

Use ACI-421.1R-99 Increased Max Stud Spacing Suggestion Allows higher maximum stud spacings, depending upon the stress levels in the critical sections.

Note: Although ACI 421.1R-99 is an ACI publication, it is not officially recognized by the ACI 318 standard. As such, it should only be utilized under the discretion and judgment of an Engineer with a full understanding of the provision and its recommendations.