RAM Concept Help

Limitations of the automatic meshing

The main automatic meshing limitation is that the minimum element size is 50 mm (0.164 feet). RAM Concept can usually overcome this limitation by adjusting the mesh input objects to generate a mesh. RAM Concept moves mesh input line objects (for example, walls, line supports) to accommodate point objects (for example, columns, point supports).

RAM Concept automatically adjusts the mesh input objects if:

  • Two control points are closer than the minimum element size.
  • A control point is closer to a line than the minimum element size.
Note: RAM Concept generates warnings during the meshing if it was necessary to make adjustments. You can stop the meshing and make corrections. If you continue, you should check the mesh to see if the adjustments are satisfactory.
Note: RAM Concept generates a warning if two slab areas (or beams or openings) with the same priority overlap. You can stop the meshing and make corrections. If you continue you should check the mesh to see if the adjustments are satisfactory as the choice of which slab area (or beam) governs the elements is effectively random.
Note: RAM Concept moves two columns to the same point that you draw closer than the minimum element size.

A mesh generates but the model does not run properly if:

  • A column or point support is outside of the slab areas.
  • A wall or line support is partially outside the slab areas.
  • An area spring is completely outside the slab areas.
  • Two columns or walls of the same support set are duplicated (intersecting walls are allowed).