RAM Concept Help

Precision drawing with snaps

RAM Concept provides drawing tools and settings to help you work precisely. Snap tools allow you to snap the cursor to precise points on objects or locations on the screen.

Using snaps is a quick way to specify an exact location on an object without drawing construction lines or knowing the exact coordinate. Whenever you move your cursor over an object, RAM Concept identifies snap points based on what snaps are active. To turn on a snap, click on its button. Click on the button again to turn off the snap.

Snap to Intersection () snaps to the intersection of any two lines including polygon vertices.

Snap to Point () snaps to any defined point such as the center of a column, end point of a line, or vertex of a polygon.

Snap to End Point () snaps to the end points of lines (including vertices of polygons).

Snap to Mid Point () snaps to the mid points of lines.

Snap Nearest Snapable Point () snaps to the point on a drawn object nearest to the cursor.

Snap Orthogonal () snaps orthogonally in the direction of the grid’s local x- or y-axis. This need not be parallel with the global x- and y-axes.

Snap to Perpendicular () snaps perpendicularly from the last click to a line.

Snap to Center () snaps the center of polygons and columns.

Snap to Grid () snaps to the grid.

Snap Extension () does not create a snapping mode by itself, but it affects the behavior of some of the other snap settings.

In general, the snap extension setting causes the other snap calculations to behave as if the line segments displayed extended to be infinitely long lines. The specific changes to the other snap settings are:

  • Intersection: intersections between infinite lines (defined by visible line segments) are snappable points.
  • Point: no effect.
  • End Point: no effect.
  • Mid Point: no effect.
  • Nearest: nearby infinite lines (defined by visible line segments) are snappable.
  • Orthogonal: no effect.
  • Perpendicular: perpendicular point on infinite lines (defined by visible line segments) are snappable.
  • Center: no effect.
  • Grid: no effect.